New Products
Among the wide range of products manufactured by the company, for the global, regional, as well as the local market are the Standardized, Quality assured, Generic Ayurvedic preparations. With international quality standards as its goal the company has developed a dedicated framework and infrastructure that is unique to the country.
Herbal Wine
- We produce five of its most prestigious herbal wines using traditional herbs.
- Wine Range : Ashwa dandha, Dasamoola, Draksha, Chandana & Pippali
Madhuka Herbal Cough Syrup
- Excellent Remedy for Common Cough, Cold and Sore-throat.
- Dosage : Adult - 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
- Dosage : Children - 1 teaspoons 3 times a day.
- Specially recommended for Diabetes Melitus and all ailment of the Genitourinary System, Skin Diseases, Restorative and Aphrodisiac.
- Dosage : 1/2-1 teaspoonfull with milk
Pas Panguwa
- Bring speedy relief for influenza, headache, fever and body aches.
- Dosage : Adult - 1 packet twice a day.
- Dosage : Children - 1 packet thrice a day.
Dharani - Memory Booster
- Specially prescribed for memory enhancement and added physical power. Richer voice and better eye sight.
- Dosage : Adult - 1 - 2 teaspoon twice a day.
- Dosage : Children - 1/2 -1 teaspoon once a day.
Maha Shanka Vati
- Useful in all digestive disturbances including Loss of Appetite, Gastritis, Fever, Anaemia, Cures colic, Rheumatism, Oedema Gout and Piles.
- Dosage : 1-2 pills with warm water or suitable accompainiment.
1 comment:
Where can I find Gajabala in sri lanka?
Any place to buy?
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